Friday, August 14, 2009

Dear Mr. Lurie...seriously!

Dear Mr. Lurie,
Your decision to sign Michael Vick is one that absolutely disgusts me and I hope that the city of Philadelphia lets you hear it at your press conference today. Micahel Vick is a first rate criminal that does not deserve your offer (how many other criminals get $1.6M after being released from custody for a month??!)...once again an owner like you and the NFL are making exceptions for a proven thug in order to boost your teams talent and potentially your revenue. Well Mr. Lurie I think the fans of the Eagles will speak clearly and your decision to sign him will backfire, and I hope for nothing but a complete bust for you and your organization.

I guess my biggest question for you is have you read what this man has done and why he went to prison? Pit Bulls by nature are not violent animals, (I know plenty that are loving and sweet because their owners don't beat them!) they are trained to be violent. This man (your QB) trained them to fight- do you know how?? Well let me inform you...he trained them to fight by abusing them...such as starving them for long periods of time so that when they smelled blood and meat their natural instincts to kill for survival would kick in and they would kill for food, that other food was other dogs. Not only that but if they weren't violent enough he killed them!! Not only did he kill them, but he allowed them to be tortured to death, such drowning, I grossing you out yet?? Clearly not becasue I am sure you knew this before your decision.

How do you feel about rape? This man (your QB) forced his strong, good fighting male dogs to rape his female dogs...did you know that (would you allow this in humans)?? Are you aware that he was so determined to breed good fighters that he built a rape machine on his property that strapped the female dogs in place so that they could not move. He was so desperate to keep his dogfighting going he had to force reproduction...he is sick!

I know that people wonder why people come out so strongly to defend animals, even more so then people that are harmed, but its quite obvious these are innocent animals that rely on humans to provide food, shelter and love because they cannot provide it for themselves. Those pit bulls (some fortunate enough to have been adopted, others too violent to live another day) trusted this man (your QB) and he repaid them with a horrible exsistence one that he himself now deserves. He does NOT deserve $1.6M to throw or run a football this year and over $5M next year.

I am disgusted by your decision and I hope for nothing but a complete uproar from the fans of Philadelphia and complete failure for your team...its seriously what you deserve.

Seriously by Sarah


  1. He received the maximum punishment for his crime and has lost all of his money. He has been justly punished and in accordance with our legal system he now should get a second chance.

  2. sarah,
    i agree 100% with your blog! evidently mr. or miss anonymous believes their own opinion so strongly that they are ashamed to tell us who they are.

  3. The problem with the US justice system are people like you who want their pound of flesh. No punishment is enough, no rehabilitation is sufficient. It is a sad day when we forget the advice: "forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those that tresspass against us."

  4. the problem here is this wasn't a moment of weakness or a simple mistake. what i am angry about is many years of a pattern of cruelty to animals that i love. he is simply sorry he got caught! he should never be in a position to be a role model for our kids again.

  5. There is not an ounce of remorse in that man...listen to what he says and how he says it....his only regret is what happened to him not what he did to those is said that children who enjoy abusing animals tend to become violent adults..he encouraged the depravity, he profitted from it and therefore, he does not deserve a second chance as a football player making millions...he is not a changed man...he is only older and poorer and therefore more willing to scam the stupid football fans who want to win at any cost..
