Friday, April 3, 2009


I was going to write today about subway etiquette or people in NYC that can't walk with an umbrella (yes there is etiquette for umbrella carrying too) or I had a new image for what I am going to make a weekly entry "Stick with Jeans and a Tshirt", but I think its only appropriate that I use this as a goodbye to Munn Rabot and NYC. I don't really believe in goodbye...I believe that you always keep in touch (well if you want to obviously) and that the real phrase should be "see you later" because in my situation, I know I will see everyone again. (hopefully at my restaurant opening in a few years)

I tried to look for inspiration in some quotes from "How I Met Your Mother" and of course I found some, but as I was writing a very good friend (shout out RT) sent me the song "Gone" by Pearl Jam and the quote that resonated for me was "I will be what I could be once I get out of this town"...NYC has always been my home, I love it here...I know I can make it here (which means I can make it anywhere, right Frank?) but I don't want a lot of things that come along with making it here...I don't think there is anything wrong with that, seriously.
So to Munn Rabot....I say thank you for the opportunities, the friendships, the inspiration...this was a great experience and one that I will always value. Between the chaos of the pit, the heffa comments (and pa dunk a dunk), the non-stop questions about how to write a blog (PR you are on your own...I am unavailable during beach time), the passionate arguments about what is right and not right for the brand (actually I won't miss those...well not all of them), the drama of our clients (well, let me see how many words in your presentation don't make sense to me, what's a 3rd party vendor mean?), and of course karoke I will miss it.

To NYC...I have lots of friends here that I love dearly, but this is not goodbye I will see a lot of you this summer (of course who wouldn't want to visit me in Nantucket)...from the nights of wine at my apt (or the overpriced wine bars), beer pong competitions (I need to work on my game again), roof deck parties, bbq's, mornings at the park, Sala 19 (holla!)...I will miss it all, but this is a move that I have to make and I appreciate all of your support as I do it...seriously.

My final words by Pearl Jam..."For the lights of this city, they only look good when I'm speeding. I wanna leave em all behind me cause this time I'm gone"...seriously.

(subway and umbrella etiquette to be posted shortly)


  1. Today is a sad day for me and Munn RabĂ´t. Now in your new adventure you can take life a little less seriously. Enjoy!

  2. Of course you would have to use the picture of me pretending to be Ralph Cramdon! Have fun Sarah and perhaps we can take a few runs down the Wall at Snowmass next winter.
