Friday, March 27, 2009

Again, Ladies...puhleassse

Seriously...this is somewhat embarrassing to me (but maybe I should take it as a compliment) so about a year ago I was approached at Bergdorf's about being a part of this "dating organization" for millionaire bachelors in NYC. Yes, like the show "Millionaire Matchmaker"...clearly upon meeting me they didn't realize that I was 100% the wrong person for this service...

It only took one meeting at their office later to realize that:
1. I was too opinionated (men with lots of $$ apparently want a passive woman)...whatever I don't believe that
2. I liked my jeans, tshirts & hoodies too much. (listen I love my christian loubitan's as much as the next gal, but sometimes I want to wear flip flops...geeeeez)
3. I was unwilling to drop everything and jump on a private jet for a...wait for it...a FIRST DATE (what girl gets on a private jet for a first date with a guy she has NEVER met!!!!! Ladies, puhleassse)

Anyways, I just saw this book cover and thought I had to share it with everyone, I mean it would be selfish of me to not we really need a book ladies to tell us why he didn't call you back??? I mean just stop and think about know why he didn't call, we all know why he didn't next time just get on the freakin private jet and GO!



  1. Look. I know your plan. Your leaving the ad industry because it made you too emotional. Now you're going to Nantucket or wherever, to try and meet a rich boy with a yacht. And live off crab cakes and champagne. Even that my dear will become tiring. Trust me, I know.

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