Sunday, March 29, 2009

John Corzine...seriously, is he famous?

So my best friend and I went out to the Waverly Inn last night for my birthday/leaving NYC dinner...the Waverly is very NY (average food, expensive prices and the chance of seeing someone famous). Yes I just defined NY as including all 3 of those...going to argue with me?

Ok so the food was actually better than I thought...not great but good. The wine was good (but I can usually drink anything after a martini) but the wine list was INSANELY expensive...$400 for a bottle of Chianti classico...FYI Waverly that bottle costs $8.99 at a liquor store (well a liquor store in NJ where John Corzine should have been out helping his own state's economy, more on that later) despite being sat in the back corner by the back door (we were apparently the riff raff and for the record everyone...I was not in my flip flops) we had a blast. The table next to us had 2 couples (1 from NJ and 1 from long island) they were hilarious and arguing about a bar very NY of them. We saw a "famous" person (Gov. John Corzine) as he was snuck out the back door next to the riff raff (us), Govenor you aren't that famous (especially in NY) that you need to be snuck out the back door.

Seriously, does anyone really consider John Corzine famous? Where was Jason Segal last night!? Why wasn't he at Waverly...nope my one night out of being a true NY'er (for one of the last times) and I saw John Corzine...seriously?!

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